RFID Product and Vendor Selection: Are you currently using or considering RFID technology?
A thirty minute call with one of The RFID Network subject matter experts can save you months of research, the expense of purchasing hardware, software, or RFID tags that do not meet your requirements or operate as the manufacturer claims. We can directly introduce you to the suppliers with the highest customer satisfaction ratings.
Our team is comprised of RFID experts with 10 to 25 years of RFID experience that are hands-on evaluating and testing the latest RFID technology in real world environments.
We provide highly specialized, 3rd party, vendor neutral professional services, unmatched in the industry, which includes:
RFID technology selection (what hardware, software, or RFID tags best fits your requirements)
RFID vendor selection (what companies should you purchase from)
3rd party project review (are you being overcharged for RFID products or consulting services?)
Executive Briefings (how will RFID technology benefit your specific business opreations)
Writing RFP's and reviewing submitted proposals that include RFID